Autumn Skincare

The combination of cold air and indoor heating can lead to dry, cracked skin. Here’s what you need to do to keep skin plump, hydrated and glowy during the autumn and winter months. And don’t forget your SPF – winter sun accelerates the ageing process just as much as in summer.

Use a Gentle Cleanser

As temperatures drop and your skin produces less oil than in summer, use a cream-based, sulfate-free cleanser (sulfates can strip away skin’s natural oils).

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Gentle cleansing for soft, smooth, radiant skin
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Lock in Moisture

Dry air can pull moisture and weaken your skin’s barrier, which can later lead to irritation and blemishes. Use skin-loving serums and moisturisers to keep skin strong.

Bring in the Retinol

Fun fact: retinol exfoliates skin, increases collagen production and encourages skin to heal and renew itself – it is a wonder skincare ingredient. You need to use slightly less retinol in summer, as it makes skin more sensitive to UV rays, so autumn/winter is the time to dial it up!

Vitamin C is Everything

Low humidity, dehydrated skin and decreased blood circulation can make skin look lacklustre in autumn and winter. Vitamin C will brighten and illuminate your complexion.

A Moment on Your Lips

And hands! The skin on your lips and hands is extremely exposed to cold weather, so keep them well hydrated.